Healing Hands will be hosting their fourth annual Free Dental Day for Veterans on Friday, September 13th from 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Appointments are now being accepted and must be made prior to the event. Dental services offered during this event will include x-rays, exams, cleanings, fillings, extractions and oral hygiene education.
All Veterans must present their military ID at the time of appointment. No other information or documentation will be needed. If any Veteran wishes to become a regular patient at Healing Hands, a volunteer will be available to process their information.
To schedule your free dental appointment on September 13th, please call 423-652-0260 X 2.
Healing Hands Health Center is located at 245 Midway Medical Park, Bristol, TN.
Vendors on site will include representatives from Army Education, D.A.V. Chapter 39, State of Tennessee American Job Center, United Healthcare, Appalachian Regional Coalition on Homelessness, Veteran’s Affairs, and Volunteers of America. Free haircuts, dental kits, and T-shirts will be given to all dental patients.